Cremation Services in Cedar Rapids IA

Traditions are a Common Practice, and If You Need to Schedule a Burial, here are Some Popular Options

When individuals go through the process and schedule a cremation service in Cedar Rapids, IA they may choose to keep the loved one’s remains at home, scatter them, or pick burial as an option for the ashes. People implement many different traditions during the burial process, so this article will highlight some of the most popular ones done around the world.

Sky Burial

The sky burial is common among the Buddhist faith in Tibet because they believe there’s value in releasing the individual’s soul. This ritual involves leaving the body outside and is often left for the animals to consume. This serves the purpose of not only eliminating a vessel that is now empty, which allows the soul to depart but also feeds a circle of life by giving sustenance to nature.


This tradition is common in Madagascar, and it involves opening the tombs of the dead and placing new burial clothing on them every few years. Each time new wrappings are placed on the deceased, music is played. The ritual is translated into turning of the bones and is intended to speed up decomposition, pushing the spirit of the individual closer to the afterlife.


Water burial is used in multiple cultures, especially in Nordic countries. It involves laying coffins on top of cliffs facing toward the water and will even use the water as a burial ground. In some places, the bodies are set adrift on the ocean or on death ships. This signifies handing the individual to the gods or places most valued by the people.

Ashes to Death Beads

Another tradition on the list it’s held by South Koreans, and it consists of taking the ashes of the deceased and turning them into beads. They come in multiple colors, and they are placed in dishes or glass vases and are the centerpiece of the home, revamping the idea of a traditional urn. This has become more common because burial space is limited, and cremation is becoming one of the only main choices for individuals after they pass away.


The last tradition in this list comes from very noisy India and involves taking the deceased and parading them in the streets. The bodies are dressed in colors that will highlight the virtue of the individual (red could be an indicator of purity or yellow for knowledge). This is done with the belief that it helps encourage the souls to get to salvation or end their cycle of reincarnation. The diseased is then sprinkled with water from the Ganges River and cremated.

Honest and Affordable OptionsCremation Service in Cedar Rapids IA

Almost every culture has different beliefs and traditions that they follow when laying a loved one to rest. Choosing one that feels right for your loved one is essential then; when planning the cremation service in Cedar Rapids, IA, you want experts on your side. We are a locally owned company that understands what it takes to create a genuinely thoughtful event so contact us today for an appointment to see our added value and privacy policy.

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When a loved one dies unexpectedly while traveling, it can add an additional layer of stress and expense, often costing over $4500. With just one call, our professionals will take care of all the necessary details to bring your loved one home, including arranging transportation and filing permits.

Select an Urn

Basic Urn


Sparten Nickel


Henna Rosewood


Simple Rosewood


Capella Nickel


