Cremation Service in Cedar Rapids IA

Holiday Memorial Tips

If you have recently had to plan a cremation service in Cedar Rapids, IA, and the holidays are approaching, it can feel like a challenging experience. Family gatherings are common, and it might feel appropriate to honor the individual’s memory. There are a few ideas that can be incorporated, so let’s consider some of the simple and meaningful options listed in this article.


Create a Stocking About Them

If hanging up stockings is common in your household, why not consider making one based on your loved one’s legacy? There are families who will continue to hang up the stockings in honor of the loved ones who have passed away. They can be filled with sentimental items, including letters, photos, and other objects that feel appropriate.


Hang Up Ribbons

Decorating the celebration space with ribbons brings a festive feeling and can be another way to honor them. Ribbons are an easy option to include, and when you choose the loved one’s favorite colors, you can hang them in gathering areas where the family will be together. In addition, they can be incorporated into the holiday decorations throughout the home.


Include Them at the Dinner

Some family traditions include having a family dinner, and they may feel appropriate to cook a favorite dish or item of the deceased and include this at the event. Some individuals may even choose to set a place at the table for the loved one because it helps instill the feeling of their presence and offer a sense of comfort, especially on more challenging holidays.


Give Special Items as Gifts

One of the most challenging parts of losing an individual is going through their belongings, but why not consider giving some of these items as gifts? Belongings of the deceased are used regularly for hobbies or activities, and clothing, blankets, or any other sentimental items Can be wrapped up and passed down to individuals within the family. And for some people, having a valued possession of the deceased may be a more thoughtful and meaningful gift than something bought in a store.


Watch a Favorite Movie or Share Stories

If the loved one has a favorite movie, they watch every holiday season, gathering the family together and enjoying the film as a group can be a comforting feeling. You could also encourage individuals to tell stories about the deceased because this can help lift people’s spirits and remind them of happy or memorable experiences with their loved ones.


Our Team is Here to Offer Affordable and Caring Services

Cremation Services in Cedar Rapids IAFinding ways to honor and remember the loved one is crucial, and these are just a few great examples of meaningful activities to include. Processing loss is challenging, and the holidays can make it more complicated, so choose options that feel authentic and offer a sense of comfort.

Organizing a professional cremation service in Cedar Rapids, IA, is easier when you work with our team. We offer traditional and direct cremations and pre-planning options, so call us today if you have any questions.

Simple Checkout

Your loved one's details
Your information

How can we reach you?

When a loved one dies unexpectedly while traveling, it can add an additional layer of stress and expense, often costing over $4500. With just one call, our professionals will take care of all the necessary details to bring your loved one home, including arranging transportation and filing permits.

Select an Urn

Basic Urn


Sparten Nickel


Henna Rosewood


Simple Rosewood


Capella Nickel


