The stages of emotions that can come with a loved one passing away can feel overwhelming. This is even more confusing if you have never had someone close to you die. To add to this, if you plan the event and need a cremation service in Des Moines, IA, the feelings maybe even more potent. The emotional experience can range from anger to moments of joy and can affect people physically, mentally, and spiritually. Here are some things to look for:
Physical symptoms can manifest as:
- body or headaches
- feeling anxious
- having a hard time sleeping
- more illnesses from a lowered immune system
- fatigue or being tired all the time
- less energized or feeling weaker
Our bodies will let us know if there is a problem, so if you are going through a loss, pay extra attention if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
The emotional issues can fluctuate, and you may experience all of these:
- anger
- guilt
- shame
- sadness
- fear
We always recommend turning to loved ones and friends to help you through the process and having a trusted individual to discuss your pain with can help. But if this is not enough, you may want to consider talking to a doctor for further help.
One Day at A Time
The pain can feel overwhelming at times, and there may be moments when it feels like it will never end, but like everything, it can come and go, so it is extra essential to be mindful of what your needs are as you process. Not holding onto it or refusing to let it go can be harmful in the long run, so practicing self-care with things like:
- eating right
- exercising
- talking to friends
- doing hobbies that bring you joy
These can all contribute to helping you navigate the grief and loss and to help you find the best way for you to handle it.
The Process Goes in Steps
- Shock and a state of denial of the loss.
- Guilt or other pain may manifest.
- Bargaining or being angry about the loss.
- Sadness or great depression.
- Acceptance and understanding that healing needs to happen and to let go of the intense emotions.
These are the five stages a person can go through, and there is nothing linear about healing from grief. It can manifest and change daily, so being gentle and mindful that you are in a process is essential to healing.
Celebrate Life Iowa Cremation Services has been serving families since 1982 and understands what it means to lose someone close to you. Because emotions run such deep grief and love exist together for a reason. The symptoms and feelings are there to let us know how we are feeling to take better care of ourselves and learn to heal our processes. We want to make your experience as stress-free as possible and help you through the steps to creating an event that will honor your loved ones as they deserve. We are here to help and pride ourselves on offering the highest quality cremation service in Des Moines, IA.