Losing a loved one can be a challenging experience, and if you are considering a cremation service in Des Moines, IA, it can be helpful to have some extra information about the process. There are many different benefits and drawbacks that come with cremation, so let’s take a closer look at them here.
What Happens at a Cremation?
Once an individual passes away, the remains will be taken to the Crematory and identified. The body will be prepared by removing any battery-operated devices like pacemakers, and their remains will be cleaned before being placed in a casket.
The incineration chamber can reach temperatures of 1800 degrees, so the process will only take two to three hours to complete. The remaining fragments of bone will then be ground down into a fine substance similar to ash, and the individual will be returned to the family for safekeeping.
Cremation is popular because it offers multiple benefits including:
More Affordable
Funerals and burial services require more details, while cremation is a straightforward process. A standard cremation casket only costs around $500, and the average price for direct cremation with no services will cost between $1000 and $3000.
Fewer Steps are Required
Cremation also doesn’t require multiple steps. Memorials and funerals will have numerous details that need to be completed, including viewings, planning details like decorations, the reception, and any other personalization options. This makes cremation a more streamlined and less complicated experience which can be helpful, especially during times of grief.
Quicker Process
Cremation is also a faster process, and it won’t require things like embalming or refrigerating the individuals to keep their remains viewable for an extended period.
It Doesn’t Require Burial Specifics
Burial comes with many different requirements, including:
- Purchasing a casket
- Finding a cemetery plot
- Investing in a vault liner
- Purchasing a headstone
There are also interment fees that come with burial which cover the cost of opening and closing the grave, call mom burial paperwork, and maintenance space. Cremation requires none of these unless you are choosing the individual cemetery.
As with all things, there are always drawbacks, and a few of the most important ones to discuss are:
Ash Management
One of the biggest drawbacks is how the ashes will be stored. Unless the individual has requested to be gathered or buried, they will need to be kept in a safe place which can be a burden for some individuals.
Religious Sentiments
There are also religious sentiments to consider. This is because some religions do not approve of this method, and depending on the circumstances, it could lead to disagreements within the family.
Trusted and Affordable Services
These are just a few of the pros and cons of choosing a cremation service in Des Moines, IA, and if you need a professional and affordable option, we are here to help. We understand the pain of loss and the complexity of the process, so contact us today for more information or have any questions about our services.