Cremation Services in Iowa City IA

Ways to Support Others Who are Holding a Viewing After Loss

If you have recently been invited to a viewing that is taking place before a cremation service in Iowa City, IA, it can be a challenging experience to go through if you’ve never been to one before. Because loss is an emotionally charged experience for some people, the environment can be unpredictable, and people’s feelings can fluctuate quickly. Understanding what steps, you can take to prepare yourself better and offer support to the individuals in attendance can be highly beneficial so keep reading for more information.

What is a Viewing

A viewing is an event that generally has the deceased body in an open casket and viewable to the attendees. This offers an opportunity for people to acknowledge that the loss has occurred and say their goodbyes to the person that has passed away. This may be done in a private setting, or it can be accomplished at a funeral home. And depending on the individual the person was, the event may be a more formal gathering or more of a celebration of life.

Show Up on Time

The viewing will have a set time frame for individuals to show up, so making sure that you arrive within the allotted time frame and even early can be seen as a sign of respect and care. The viewing will Offer the opportunity to be present for the family and say any last words to the deceased before they are buried or cremated.

Expect A lot of Emotions

Grief is a challenging and complex process for some people, so another thing to be prepared for our fluctuating emotions from the individuals in attendance and possibly yourself. Some people may think they are handling the death well until they go to the viewing and see the body. This is because they are then faced with the fact that the individual has passed away and needs to start processing the loss. Understanding that people’s emotions can fluctuate quickly can help better prepare you for any unexpected tears.

Be Open to Talking about the Individual

One encouraging thing is being ready and open to discussing the individual. This may be a welcome gift to the family, especially if you have stories that they may not know about. It can be helpful to share your experience with them, mainly if the stories are inspirational or joyful. It can serve as a reminder about what the loved one offered about the positive aspects the loved one provided the world.

Cremation Service in Iowa City IAOffer Support

The last recommendation is to offer support to the family. This could simply be spending time with specific individuals experiencing higher levels of grief or being of service in some way, like helping out with meals or household chores or making a donation to a cause.

Exceptional Service at Affordable Prices

Planning a cremation service in Iowa City, IA doesn’t have to be a complicated process when you’re working with a professional company. We are locally owned and trusted and offer affordable and exceptional services, so contact us today to schedule your appointment for your immediate need.

Simple Checkout

Your loved one's details
Your information

How can we reach you?

When a loved one dies unexpectedly while traveling, it can add an additional layer of stress and expense, often costing over $4500. With just one call, our professionals will take care of all the necessary details to bring your loved one home, including arranging transportation and filing permits.

Select an Urn

Basic Urn


Sparten Nickel


Henna Rosewood


Simple Rosewood


Capella Nickel


